A Generalization of Fueter's Theorem in Dunkl-Clifford Analysis
A generalization of Riesz's uniqueness theorem
A Generalization of the Bôcher-Grace Theorem
A generalization of the Levi problem with singularities
A generalization of trigonometric convexity and its relation to positive harmonic functions in homogeneous domains
A generalized Poincaré-Lelong formula
A generalized version of the Earle-Hamilton fixed point theorem for the Hilbert ball
A geometrical proof of the Hartogs extension theorem
A graph-based equilibrium problem for the limiting distribution of non-intersecting Brownian motions at low temperature
A Grauert Type Theorem and Extension of Matrices with Entries in H^{\infty}
A Hartogs type extension theorem for generalized (N,k)-crosses with pluripolar singularities
A Hilbert Lemniscate Theorem in C^2
A Holomorphic Point of View about Geodesic Completeness
A Hyperbolic Surface With A Square Grid Net
A hypersurface in \C^2 whose stability group is not determined by 2-jets
A Jensen Inequality for a Family of Analytic Functions
A Julia--Carathéodory theorem for hyperbolically monotone mappings in the Hilbert ball
A Kobayashi metric version of Bun Wong's theorem
A local extension theorem for proper holomorphic mappings in C^2
A local form for the automorphisms of the spectral unit ball