A Characterization of Varieties whose Universal Cover is the Polydisk or a Tube Domain
A class of counter-examples to the hypersection problem based on forcing equations
A Class of Domains with noncompact $\bar{\partial}$-Neumann operator
A classification of taut, Stein surfaces with a proper $\R$-action
A coincidence theorem for holomorphic maps to G/P
A compactification and the Euler characteristic of the spaces of real meromorphic functions
A complex structure on the set of quasiconformally extendible non-overlapping mappings into a Riemann surface
A computational note about Fricke-Macbeath's curve
A Conformal de Rham Complex
A conjecture on some estimates for integrals
A conjecture that the roots of a univariate polynomial lie in a union of annuli
A contractible Levi-flat hypersurface in C^2 which is a determining set for pluriharmonic functions
A converse to the Grace--Walsh--Szegő theorem
A Corollary of Riemann Hypothesis
A counter-example to the Andreotti-Grauert conjecture
A criterion for a proper rational map to be equivalent to a proper polynomial map
A criterion for the explicit reconstruction of a holomorphic function from its restrictions on lines
A criterion for the logarithmic differential operators to be generated by vector fields
A criterion of normality based on a single holomorphic function II
A d-bar-theoretical proof of Hartogs' extension theorem on (n-1)-complete spaces