A connection between viscous profiles and singular ODEs
A consequence of a lower bound of the K-energy
A constant rank theorem for partial convex solutions of partial differential equations
A Construction of Biorthogonal Wavelets With a Compact Operator
A construction of blow up solutions for co-rotational wave maps
A continuity argument for a semilinear Skyrme model
A continuous model for turbulent energy cascade
A continuous spectrum for nonhomogeneous differential operators in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces
A Continuum of Extinction Rates for the Fast Diffusion Equation
A convergent algorithm for the hybrid problem of reconstructing conductivity from minimal interior data
A convergent finite difference method for a nonlinear variational wave equation
A convolution estimate for two-dimensional hypersurfaces
A corrector theory for diffusion-homogenization limits of linear transport equations
A counter example on nontangential convergence for oscillatory integrals
A counterexample for Improved Sobolev Inequalities over the 2-adic group
A counterexample to $C^{2,1}$ regularity for parabolic fully nonlinear equations
A counterexample to an endpoint bilinear Strichartz inequality
A counterexample to dispersive estimates for Schrödinger operators in higher dimensions
A counterexample to the smoothness of the solution to an equation arising in fluid mechanics
A counterexample to well-posedness of entropy solutions to the compressible Euler system