Mathematics of thermoacoustic tomography
Mather problem and viscosity solutions in the stationary setting
Matrix Lyapunov inequalities for ordinary and elliptic partial differential equations
Matzoh ball soup in spaces of constant curvature
Matzoh ball soup revisited: the boundary regularity issue
Maximal and minimal solutions of an Aronsson equation: $L^{\infty}$ variational problems versus the game theory
Maximal and minimal spreading speeds for reaction diffusion equations in nonperiodic slowly varying media
Maximal inequalities and Riesz transform estimates on $L^p$ spaces for Schrödinger operators with nonnegative potentials
Maximal monotone operators are selfdual vector fields and vice-versa
Maximal parabolic regularity for divergence operators including mixed boundary conditions
Maximal regularity for non-autonomous Schroedinger type equations
Maximal regularity for parabolic partial differential equations on manifolds with cylindrical ends
Maximal regularity with temporal weights for parabolic problems with inhomogeneous boundary conditions
Maximal solutions for $-Δu+u^q=0$ in open or finely open sets
Maximal solutions of equation u = uq in arbitrary domains
Maximal Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations with Locally Integrable Forcing Term
Maximizers for the Strichartz inequalities and the Sobolev-Strichartz inequalities for the Schrödinger equation
Maximizers for the Strichartz Inequalities for the Wave Equation
Maximizers for the Strichartz norm for small solutions of mass-critical NLS
Maximizing the spreading speed of KPP fronts in two-dimensional stratified media