Existence of KPP fronts in spatially-temporally periodic advection and variational principle for propagation speeds
Existence of KPP Type Fronts in Space-Time Periodic Shear Flows and a Study of Minimal Speeds Based on Variational Principle
Existence of maximizers for Sobolev-Strichartz inequalities
Existence of minimal H-bubbles
Existence of minimal nodal solutions for the Nonlinear Schroedinger equations with V ({\infty}) = 0
Existence of minimizers for Schrodinger operators under domain perturbations with application to Hardy's inequality
Existence of Minimizers of a class of multi-constrained variationnal problems in the absence of compactness, symmetry and monotonicity
Existence of Multiple Vortices in Supersymmetric Gauge Field Theory
Existence of Multistring Solutions of the Self-Gravitating Massive $W-$Boson
Existence of Nontrivial Solutions for p-Laplacian Equations in {R}^{N}
Existence of periodic planar standing waves in phase-transitional viscoelasticity with surface energy
Existence of Periodic Solutions for some Singular Elliptic Equations with Strong Resonant Data
Existence of Positive Solution of a Class of Semi-linear Sub-elliptic Equation in the Entire Space $H^n$
Existence of Positive Solutions for Non Local p-Laplacian Thermistor Problems on Time Scales
Existence of positive solutions for nonlinear systems
Existence of positive solutions to a semi-linear elliptic system with a small energy/charge ratio
Existence of positive solutions to quasi-linear elliptic equations with exponential growth in the whole Euclidean space
Existence of proper weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes-Fourier system
Existence of quasilinear relaxation shock profiles
Existence of radial stationary solutions for a system in combustion theory