Radar Tomography of Asteroids ASSERT / Marco Polo-R
Random matrix approach to the dynamics of stock inventory variations
Random Matrix Theory and Fund of Funds Portfolio Optimisation
Random matrix theory and the evolution of business cycle synchronisation 1886-2006
Random walker in a temporally deforming higher-order potential forces observed in financial crisis
Randomised Mixture Models for Pricing Kernels
Rational Expectations, psychology and inductive learning via moving thresholds
Rational term structure models with geometric Levy martingales
Real GDP per capita in developed countries
Real Output Costs of Financial Crises: A Loss Distribution Approach
Real-time calibrated microwave plasma mulitmetals emissions monitor
Realized Wavelet Jump-GARCH model: Can wavelet decomposition of volatility improve its forecasting?
Realized wavelet-based estimation of integrated variance and jumps in the presence of noise
Recent progress in random metric theory and its applications to conditional risk measures
Reconstruction of financial network for robust estimation of systemic risk
Record statistics for biased random walks, with an application to financial data
Recovery Rates in investment-grade pools of credit assets: A large deviations analysis
Recovery Swaps
Recurrence interval analysis of trading volumes
Reduced form modeling of limit order markets