Counterparty risk valuation for Energy-Commodities swaps: Impact of volatilities and correlation
Coupling Index and Stocks
Credit Calibration with Structural Models: The Lehman case and Equity Swaps under Counterparty Risk
Credit Default Swap Calibration and Counterparty Risk Valuation with a Scenario based First Passage Model
Credit Default Swap Calibration and Equity Swap Valuation under Counterparty Risk with a Tractable Structural Model
Credit derivatives pricing with default density term structure modelled by Lévy random fields
Credit models and the crisis, or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the CDOs
Credit risk modeling using time-changed Brownian motion
Credit risk premia and quadratic BSDEs with a single jump
Credit Risk, Market Sentiment and Randomly-Timed Default
Critical Analysis of the Binomial-Tree approach to Convertible Bonds in the framework of Tsiveriotis-Fernandes model
Cumulant Expansion and Monthly Sum Derivative
Dam Rain and Cumulative Gain
Dangers of Bilateral Counterparty Risk: the fundamental impact of closeout conventions
Default and Systemic Risk in Equilibrium
Default correlation, cluster dynamics and single names: The GPCL dynamical loss model
Default Swap Games Driven by Spectrally Negative Levy Processes
Defining, Estimating and Using Credit Term Structures. Part 1: Consistent Valuation Measures
Defining, Estimating and Using Credit Term Structures. Part 2: Consistent Risk Measures
Defining, Estimating and Using Credit Term Structures. Part 3: Consistent CDS-Bond Basis