Least Squares Importance Sampling for Libor Market Models
Libor model with expiry-wise stochastic volatility and displacement
Local time and the pricing of time-dependent barrier options
Local Volatility Pricing Models for Long-dated FX Derivatives
Long-term and blow-up behaviors of exponential moments in multi-dimensional affine diffusions
Market completion using options
Market Implied Probability Distributions and Bayesian Skew Estimation
Market models for CDOs driven by time-inhomogeneous Lévy processes
Market Price of Risk and Random Field Driven Models of Term Structure: A Space-Time Change of Measure Look
Market viability via absence of arbitrage of the first kind
Market-consistent valuation of insurance liabilities by cost of capital
Max-Plus decomposition of supermartingales and convex order. Application to American options and portfolio insurance
Maximum Entropy Distributions Inferred from Option Portfolios on an Asset
Mean-Variance Hedging for Pricing European Options Under Assumption of Non-continuous Trading
Measuring expectations in options markets: An application to the SP500 index
Mirror-time diffusion discount model of options pricing
Model independent hedging strategies for variance swaps
Model-independent Bounds for Option Prices: A Mass Transport Approach
Modelling Bonds & Credit Default Swaps using a Structural Model with Contagion
Modelling Information Flows in Financial Markets