Pricing Equity Default Swaps under an approximation to the CGMY Lé% vy Model
Pricing European Options with a Log Student's t-Distribution: a Gosset Formula
Pricing Fixed-Income Securities in an Information-Based Framework
Pricing in an equilibrium based model for a large investor
Pricing Life Insurance under Stochastic Mortality via the Instantaneous Sharpe Ratio: Theorems and Proofs
Pricing of barrier options by marginal functional quantization
Pricing options in illiquid markets: optimal systems, symmetry reductions and exact solutions
Pricing Variable Annuity Contracts with High-Water Mark Feature
Pricing Variable Annuity Guarantees in a Local Volatility framework
Probabilistic representations of the density function of the asset price and of vanilla options in linear stochastic volatility models
Probabilities of Positive Returns and Values of Call Options
Probability-free pricing of adjusted American lookbacks