Paraglide: Interactive Parameter Space Partitioning for Computer Simulations
Parameter Optimization of Multi-Agent Formations based on LQR Design
Parameter Selection in Periodic Nonuniform Sampling of Multiband Signals
Payoff-based Inhomogeneous Partially Irrational Play for Potential Game Theoretic Cooperative Control of Multi-agent Systems
PID Parameters Optimization by Using Genetic Algorithm
Pneumatic Pressure Cell with Twin Diaphragms Embedding Spherical Corrugations in a Dual Diaphragm Structure
Prices of Anarchy, Information, and Cooperation in Differential Games
Probabilistic Optimal Estimation and Filtering under Uncertainty
Probabilistically Safe Vehicle Control in a Hostile Environment
Proceedings First Workshop on CTP Components for Educational Software
Progressive Gaussian Filtering
Projection-Based and Look Ahead Strategies for Atom Selection
Proofs for an Abstraction of Continuous Dynamical Systems Utilizing Lyapunov Functions