SAFIUS - A secure and accountable filesystem over untrusted storage
Saturn 1B and Saturn 5 computer programs, software
Scheduling Multi-Mode Real-Time Systems upon Uniform Multiprocessor Platforms
Scheduling of Hard Real-Time Multi-Thread Periodic Tasks
Searching publications on operating systems
Securing Data in Storage: A Review of Current Research
Semi-Partitioned Hard Real-Time Scheduling with Restricted Migrations upon Identical Multiprocessor Platforms
Sesame: Self-Constructive System Energy Modeling for Battery-Powered Mobile Systems
Shower Classification Software
Spitzer IRS Pipelines for General Users
Spreadsheet Toolkit for Ulysses Hi-Scale Measurements of Interplanetary Ions and Electrons
Standard payload computer for the international space station
Sufficient FTP Schedulability Test for the Non-Cyclic Generalized Multiframe Task Model
Taking the Observatory to the Astronomer
Telex: Principled System Support for Write-Sharing in Collaborative Applications
Temporal Debugging using URDB
The CHARA Array Control System
The combinatorics of resource sharing
The Design and Architecture of the Microsoft Cluster Service -- A Practical Approach to High-Availability and Scalability
The IPS data acquisition and communication system