Gang FTP scheduling of periodic and parallel rigid real-time tasks
Global Scheduling of Multi-Mode Real-Time Applications upon Multiprocessor Platforms
Hardware implementation of the primary mirror surface heating system for the Gemini 8-m telescopes
Integrating Job Parallelism in Real-Time Scheduling Theory
Interface Matching and Combining Techniques for Services Integration
JAstroCam3-new version of CCD data gathering software
Light-weight Locks
Local Read-Write Operations in Sensor Networks
Managing Varying Worst Case Execution Times on DVS Platforms
Markets are Dead, Long Live Markets
MI-6: Michigan interferometry with six telescopes
Microreboot -- A Technique for Cheap Recovery
Mode Change Protocol for Multi-Mode Real-Time Systems upon Identical Multiprocessors
Modeling the input history of programs for improved instruction-memory performance
Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Partitioning Schemes for Real-Time Systems
Multiprocessor Global Scheduling on Frame-Based DVFS Systems
New User Requirements for Astronomical Data Visualization
Observing Strategies for the Terrestrial Planet Finder
On the definition of a theoretical concept of an operating system
On the Design of an Optimal Multiprocessor Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm under Practical Considerations (Extended Version)