Condition for Energy Efficient Watermarking with Random Vector Model without WSS Assumption
Content Base Image Retrieval Using Phong Shading
Content-Aware Rate Control for Video Transmission with Buffer Constraints in Multipath Networks
Content-based retransmission with error concealment for astronomical images
Context-Oriented Web Video Tag Recommendation
Cooperative Proxy Servers Architecture for VoD to Achieve High QoS with Reduced Transmission Time and Cost
CoPhIR: a Test Collection for Content-Based Image Retrieval
Covert Channels in SIP for VoIP signalling
Creating gray-scale Chinese characters without digital filtering
Cross-Cultural Astronomy in Informal Education Settings - Collaboration with Integrity
Cryptanalysis of an MPEG-Video Encryption Scheme Based on Secret Huffman Tables
CyberSpace: Adler's Computer-Based Gallery