ProofPeer - A Cloud-based Interactive Theorem Proving System
PURRS: Towards Computer Algebra Support for Fully Automatic Worst-Case Complexity Analysis
Quantum Anticipation Explorer
Random numbers from the tails of probability distributions using the transformation method
Rank-profile revealing Gaussian elimination and the CUP matrix decomposition
Rectangular Full Packed Format for Cholesky's Algorithm: Factorization, Solution and Inversion
Recursive function templates as a solution of linear algebra expressions in C++
Scilab and SIP for Image Processing
Seeing the Forest in the Tree: Applying VRML to Mathematical Problems in Number Theory
Set Reduction In Nonlinear Equations
Simulation of Self-Assembly in the Abstract Tile Assembly Model with ISU TAS
Singular Values using Cholesky Decomposition
Some comments on C. S. Wallace's random number generators
Sparse Matrix Implementation in Octave
Stochastic Formal Methods for Hybrid Systems
Stochastic Formal Methods: An application to accuracy of numeric software
Tactics for Reasoning modulo AC in Coq
Technique detection software for Sparse Matrices
Tensors and n-d Arrays:A Mathematics of Arrays (MoA), psi-Calculus and the Composition of Tensor and Array Operations
TeXmacs-Reduce interface