Complexity Results for Modal Dependence Logic
Complexity Results on DPLL and Resolution
Composing Programs in a Rewriting Logic for Declarative Programming
Computability Closure: Ten Years Later
Computability Logic: a formal theory of interaction
Computable Closed Euclidean Subsets with and without Computable Points
Computation Tree Logic with Deadlock Detection
Computation with Advice
Computational interpretation of classical logic with explicit structural rules
Computational Models of Certain Hyperspaces of Quasi-metric Spaces
Computer certified efficient exact reals in Coq
Computer-Assisted Program Reasoning Based on a Relational Semantics of Programs
Computing and Comparing Semantics of Programs in Multi-valued Logics
Computing in Coq with Infinite Algebraic Data Structures
Computing large and small stable models
Computing minimal models, stable models and answer sets
Computing only minimal answers in disjunctive deductive databases
Computing Optimal Coverability Costs in Priced Timed Petri Nets
Computing Preferred Answer Sets by Meta-Interpretation in Answer Set Programming
Computing stable models: worst-case performance estimates