Common Reusable Verification Environment for BCA and RTL Models
Compactly accessible categories and quantum key distribution
Compactly generating all satisfying truth assignments of a Horn formula
Comparing Computational Power
Comparing hierarchies of total functionals
Comparison of Algorithms for Checking Emptiness on Buechi Automata
Compatibility of Shelah and Stupp's and Muchnik's iteration with fragments of monadic second order logic
Compiling and securing cryptographic protocols
Complete Axiomatizations for Reasoning About Knowledge and Time
Completeness for Flat Modal Fixpoint Logics
Complex Algebras of Arithmetic
Complex Optimization in Answer Set Programming
Complexity of Fractran and Productivity
Complexity of Hybrid Logics over Transitive Frames
Complexity of Model Checking for Modal Dependence Logic
Complexity of Model Checking Recursion Schemes for Fragments of the Modal Mu-Calculus
Complexity of the Guarded Two-Variable Fragment with Counting Quantifiers
Complexity of the Two-Variable Fragment with (Binary-Coded) Counting Quantifiers
Complexity of two-variable Dependence Logic and IF-Logic
Complexity Results and Practical Algorithms for Logics in Knowledge Representation