An Optimal Trade-off between Content Freshness and Refresh Cost
Analyse et expansion des textes en question-réponse
Analysis and Interface for Instructional Video
Analysis and Visualization of Index Words from Audio Transcripts of Instructional Videos
Analyzing and Visualizing the Semantic Coverage of Wikipedia and Its Authors
Analyzing the Impact of Visitors on Page Views with Google Analytics
Annotation of Scientific Summaries for Information Retrieval
Announcement: New Editor-In Robert C. Kennicutt
Announcement: New Editor-In-Chief, Robert C. Kennicutt, Jr.
Applying Part-of-Seech Enhanced LSA to Automatic Essay Grading
Applying Science Models for Search
Approaches, Challenges and Future Direction of Image Retrieval
Approche conceptuelle par un processus d'annotation pour la représentation et la valorisation de contenus informationnels en intelligence économique (IE)
Approximate Recall Confidence Intervals
Approximate textual retrieval
Approximating Document Frequency with Term Count Values
Architecture of A Scalable Dynamic Parallel WebCrawler with High Speed Downloadable Capability for a Web Search Engine
Assessing scientific research performance and impact with single indices
Astronomers envision linking world data archives
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems II