The Partial Evaluation Approach to Information Personalization
The preparation of the measurements at the PDS at the Padova Observatory: Report on an experience with the development of an astronomical data base environment
The relation between Pearson's correlation coefficient r and Salton's cosine measure
The run & administration of the astronomical literature & information resources network of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
The structure of broad topics on the Web
The uncovering of hidden structures by Latent Semantic Analysis
The Universal Recommender
The Vilspa, Spain IUE data bank
Thematic Analysis and Visualization of Textual Corpus
Time Warp Edit Distance
Time Warp Edit Distance with Stiffness Adjustment for Time Series Matching
Time-aware Collaborative Filtering with the Piecewise Decay Function
Timeline: A Dynamic Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Model for Recovering Birth/Death and Evolution of Topics in Text Stream
To Click or not to Click? The Role of Contextualized and User-Centric Web Snippets
Topological Centrality and Its Applications
TopSig: Topology Preserving Document Signatures
Toward Collaborative Information Seeking (CIS)
Towards "Intelligent Compression" in Streams: A Biased Reservoir Sampling based Bloom Filter Approach
Towards a Model of Understanding Social Search
Towards Design and Implementation of a Language Technology based Information Processor for PDM Systems