Information Retrieval via Truncated Hilbert-Space Expansions
Informledge System: A Modified Knowledge Network with Autonomous Nodes using Multi-lateral Links
Infrared astronomical data base and catalog of infrared observations
Integrated access to distributed data and information services in astrophysics and the space sciences.
Integrating the Probabilistic Models BM25/BM25F into Lucene
Integrating users' needs into multimedia information retrieval system
Intelligent data analysis based on the complex network theory methods: a case study
Interprétation vague des contraintes structurelles pour la RI dans des corpus de documents XML - Évaluation d'une méthode approchée de RI structurée
Introducing a New Mechanism for Construction of an Efficient Search Model
Introduction to Searching with Regular Expressions
Investigating the Change of Web Pages' Titles Over Time
Is This a Good Title?
Iso9000 Based Advanced Quality Approach for Continuous Improvement of Manufacturing Processes
Issues,Challenges and Tools of Clustering Algorithms
Iterative Filtering for a Dynamical Reputation System