Intra-bodyhybrid communication scheme for healthcare systems
Isotopes in comets - Implications from CR in carbonaceous chondrites
Isotopic analysis of cometary organic matter
LifeWatch - a Large-scale eScience Infrastructure to Assist in Understanding and Managing our Planet's Biodiversity
Light elements and their isotopes in SNC meteorites and the Martian atmosphere
Linear Nearest Neighbor Synthesis of Reversible Circuits by Graph Partitioning
Massively parallel computing on an organic molecular layer
Memristors can implement fuzzy logic
More powerful biomolecular computers
MPA/ESO/MPE/USM Joint Astronomy Conference on Open Questions in Cosmology
Near-surface stratigraphy in comets inferred from observation, laboratory studies, and modeling
Newly developed techniques for the analysis of micrometer-sized interplanetary dust particles and comet grains
Next Generation High Speed Computing Using Photonic Based Technolog
Noise-based information processing: Noise-based logic and computing: what do we have so far?
Non-destructive sampling of a comet
Note on Needle in a Haystack
Optimal Inverter VAR Control in Distribution Systems with High PV Penetration
Optoelectronic Reservoir Computing
Organic chemical analysis on a microscopic scale using two-step laser desorption/laser ionization mass spectrometry
Organic matter in meteorites and comets - Possible origins