Performance evaluation of the GridFTP within the NorduGrid project
Performance improvement of an optical network providing services based on multicast
Performing work efficiently in the presence of faults
PetFMM--A dynamically load-balancing parallel fast multipole library
Petri Nets and Bio-Modelling - and how to benefit from their synergy
PhantomOS: A Next Generation Grid Operating System
Phase Clocks for Transient Fault Repair
Phoenix Cloud: Consolidating Different Computing Loads on Shared Cluster System for Large Organization
PhoenixCloud: Provisioning Resources for Heterogeneous Cloud Workloads
PhoenixCloud: Provisioning Resources for Heterogeneous Workloads in Cloud Computing
Platforms for Building and Deploying Applications for Cloud Computing
Polish grid infrastructure for science and research
Porting Decision Tree Algorithms to Multicore using FastFlow
Poster on MPI application in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Power Efficient Resource Allocation for Clouds Using Ant Colony Framework
PowerTracer: Tracing requests in multi-tier services to save cluster power consumption
Practical language based on systems of definitions
Practical Parallel External Memory Algorithms via Simulation of Parallel Algorithms
Practically Stabilizing Atomic Memory
Pre-fetching tree-structured data in distributed memory