Computational Unification: a Vision for Connecting Researchers
Compute and Storage Clouds Using Wide Area High Performance Networks
Computer Simulation Center in Internet
Computing a Maximal Independent Set Using Beeps
Computing Optimal Cycle Mean in Parallel on CUDA
Computing trends using graphic processor in high energy physics
Concurrent computing machines and physical space-time
Concurrent Processing Memory
Consensus on Moving Neighborhood Model of Peterson Graph
Consensus on Transaction Commit
Consensus vs Broadcast in Communication Networks with Arbitrary Mobile Omission Faults
Constructing Two Edge-Disjoint Hamiltonian Cycles and Two Equal Node-Disjoint Cycles in Twisted Cubes
Constructing Two Edge-Disjoint Hamiltonian Cycles in Locally Twisted Cubes
Construction auto-stabilisante d'arbre couvrant en dépit d'actions malicieuses
Construction of an algorithm in parallel for the Fast Fourier Transform
Content Sharing for Mobile Devices
Context-Aware Service Utilisation in the Clouds and Energy Conservation
Context-Capture Multi-Valued Decision Fusion With Fault Tolerant Capability For Wireless Sensor Networks
Contextual Constraint Modeling in Grid Application Workflows
Control and Debugging of Distributed Programs Using Fiddle