CloudGenius: Decision Support for Web Server Cloud Migration
Cloudpress 2.0: A MapReduce Approach for News Retrieval on the Cloud
CloudSim: A Novel Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Cloud Computing Infrastructures and Services
Cluster computing performances using virtual processors and mathematical software
Cluster Computing White Paper
Cluster Computing: A High-Performance Contender
Cluster-Based Load Balancing Algorithms for Grids
Clustering of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: An Adaptive Broadcast Period Approach
CMS Software Distribution on the LCG and OSG Grids
Collaborative Training in Sensor Networks: A graphical model approach
Comments on ``Design and performance evaluation of load distribution strategies for multiple loads on heterogeneous linear daisy chain networks''
Communication Optimalement Stabilisante sur Canaux non Fiables et non FIFO
Comparison of Different Parallel Implementaions of the 2+1-Dimensional KPZ Model and the 3-Dimensional KMC Model
Comparison of different Propagation Steps for the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Comparison of Image Similarity Queries in P2P Systems
Complexity of Multi-Value Byzantine Agreement
Component Specification in the Cactus Framework: The Cactus Configuration Language
Components and Interfaces of a Process Management System for Parallel Programs
Computational Grids in Action: The Natinal Fusion Collaboratory
Computational performance of a parallelized high-order spectral and mortar element toolbox