Dial a Ride from k-forest
Dictionary learning under global sparsity constraint
Differential Privacy and the Fat-Shattering Dimension of Linear Queries
Differentially Private Combinatorial Optimization
Digraph description of k-interchange technique for optimization over permutations and adaptive algorithm system
Dimension-Dependent behavior in the satisfability of random k-Horn formulae
Dimensionality Decrease Heuristics for NP Complete Problems
Directed Feedback Vertex Set is Fixed-Parameter Tractable
Directed Spanners via Flow-Based Linear Programs
Directed Steiner Tree and the Lasserre Hierarchy
Direction-Reversing Quasi-Random Rumor Spreading with Restarts
Disconnectivity and Relative Positions in Simultaneous Embeddings
Discrepancy-Sensitive Dynamic Fractional Cascading, Dominated Maxima Searching, and 2-d Nearest Neighbors in Any Minkowski Metric
Distributed Broadcast in Wireless Networks with Unknown Topology
Distributed Private Heavy Hitters
Dominating Set is Fixed Parameter Tractable in Claw-free Graphs
Domination in graphs with bounded propagation: algorithms, formulations and hardness results
Domination Problems in Nowhere-Dense Classes of Graphs
Domination When the Stars Are Out
Don't Rush into a Union: Take Time to Find Your Roots