SABRE: A Tool for Stochastic Analysis of Biochemical Reaction Networks
Sampling Strategies for Mining in Data-Scarce Domains
Sampling Techniques in Bayesian Finite Element Model Updating
Schroedinger Eigenmaps for the Analysis of Bio-Medical Data
Semantics of UML 2.0 Activity Diagram for Business Modeling by Means of Virtual Machine
Shooting Over or Under the Mark: Towards a Reliable and Flexible Anticipation in the Economy
Simple Numerical Model of Laminated Glass Beams
Simplicial models of social aggregation I
Simulating information creation in social Semantic Web applications
Simulation of Phase Combinations in Shape Memory Alloys Patches by Hybrid Optimization Methods
Simulations of Large-scale WiFi-based Wireless Networks: Interdisciplinary Challenges and Applications
Solution of moving-boundary problems by the spectral element method
Solving Stochastic Differential Equations with Jump-Diffusion Efficiently: Applications to FPT Problems in Credit Risk
Sparse Covariance Selection via Robust Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Stable Feature Selection for Biomarker Discovery
State of the Art Review for Applying Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques to Portfolio Optimisation
Static and dynamic characteristics of protein contact networks
Static versus Dynamic Arbitrage Bounds on Multivariate Option Prices
Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Portfolio of Physiological Indicators
Stochastic Calculus of Wrapped Compartments