Yngve Öhman (27 March 1903 - 17 June 1988).
Yohkho Soft X-Ray Spectroscopic Observations of the Bright Loop-Top Kernels of Solar Flares
YOHKOH and Compton Observations of an LDE Event: Reconnection and the Neupert Effect?
YOHKOH and the mysterious solar flares
YOHKOH basks in sunlight
Yohkoh BCS Observations of Doppler Shifts Early in Solar Flares
YOHKOH Bragg Crystal Spectrometer light curves for CA XIX (3.1631-3.1912A): 1 October 1991 - 30 September 1992
YOHKOH Bragg crystal spectrometer observations of the dynamics and temperature behavior of a soft X-ray flare
Yohkoh Multi-Wavelength Observations of the Bright Loop-Top Kernels in Solar Flares
YOHKOH Observations as a Means of Checking S, Ca, and Fe Coronal Abundances and He-like Ionization Fractions
Yohkoh Observations During the CoMStOC'92 Campaign
YOHKOH Observations of an Over-the-Limb Solar Flare with Large Spectral Line Shifts
YOHKOH Observations of Fe XXVI X-Ray Line Emission from Solar Flares
Yohkoh Observations of Impulse-Response Flares
YOHKOH observations of the creation of high-temperature plasma in the flare of 16 December 1991
YOHKOH Soft X-Ray Determination of Plasma Parameters in a Polar Coronal Hole
YOHKOH Soft X-ray Telescope
Yohkoh SXT and SOHO EIT Observations of Sigmoid-to-Arcade Evolution of Structures Associated with Halo Coronal Mass Ejections
Yohkoh SXT Full-Resolution Observations of Sigmoids: Structure, Formation, and Eruption
YOHKOH SXT Observations of X-Ray "Dimming" Associated with a Halo Coronal Mass Ejection