Systematic Uncertainties in the Spectroscopic Measurements of Neutron-star Masses and Radii from Thermonuclear X-Ray Bursts. I. Apparent Radii
Systematic variation in the depths of slabs beneath arc volcanoes
Systematic variation in the difference between the declinations of α2 and α1 Centauri
Systematic Variations in Solar Wind Fluence with Lunar Location: Implications for Resource Utilization
Systematic variations in the diameter of comets.
Systematic Δαδ cos δ corrections to the FK 4 south of -42° declination
Systematic Δαδ cos δ corrections to the FK 4 south of -42° declination
Systematically Peculiar Molecular Composition in M 82: Regarding the Formation Mechanisms
Systematics in the Orientation of Galaxies
Systematics in the Orientation of Galaxies
Systematics in the Orientation of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
Systematics of Dark Halos in High Surface Brightness Spiral Galaxies
Systematics of H II region abundances in galaxies.
Systematics of Ices Among Remote Comets, Asteroids, and Satellites
Systematics of Spiral Galaxy Rotation from Tidal Torquing. Comparisons with the Data
Systematics of Superhumps in the Short Supercycle SU UMa Dwarf Nova V1159 Ori
Systematische Beobachtungen von Sternbedeckungen
Systematische Beziehungen einiger Kataloge zum System des FK3 (Dissertation)
Systematische Differenzen zwischen den photometrischen Katalogen von Potsdam und Cambridge
Systematische Fehler der Zonen 744, 745 und 740 der AG.-Zone Cambridge (M.)