Systematic observations of occultations of stars by the moon
Systematic observations of occultations of stars by the moon
Systematic polarisation effects introduced by lenses and by axial birefringent half-wave plates used in CMB experiments in the millimetre region
Systematic proper-motions of stars of type B
Systematic Properties of Clusters of Galaxies: Cosmological Scenarios versus Observations
Systematic Redshifts in the Outer Parts of the Coma Cluster
Systematic reductions of 19th century planetary observations
Systematic reinvestigation of the radial velocities of the galactic globular clusters - Image-tube results
Systematic Search for Bright Novae
Systematic search for members of the Hyades Supercluster. VI - The lower main sequence
Systematic search for VHE gamma-ray emission from X-ray bright high-frequency peaked BL Lac objects
Systematic Spatial Variations of the Spectrum of Synchrotron X-rays from the Youngest Galactic Supernova Remnant G1.9+0.3
Systematic Studies of N IV Transitions of Astrophysical Importance
Systematic Study of the Light Scattering by Aggregates Using Microwave Analog Experiments and Multifactor Analysis
Systematic study of the ultraviolet variability of active galactic nuclei
Systematic study of X-ray cavities in the brightest galaxy in the Draco constellation NGC 6338
Systematic study of X-ray structure and evolution in a large number of distant clusters of galaxies - discovery of the cluster-scale double structure
Systematic testing and results of x-ray CCDs developed for eROSITA and other applications
Systematic trends in the motions of suspected stellar companions
Systematic Turbulence Errors in Radio or Stellar Occultation Intensity Measurements