Papers communicated to the Association. Astronomical Drawing.
Papers communicated to the Association. Astronomy with the South African Field Force.
Papers communicated to the Association. Astronomy with the South African Field Force.
Papers communicated to the Association. Black Star-Lore.
Papers communicated to the Association. Changes in the Spectra of Gaseous Bodies.
Papers communicated to the Association. Comet 1902 b (Perrine).
Papers Communicated to the Association. Comet Brooks 1902.
Papers communicated to the Association. Concerning Stellar Magnitudes.
Papers communicated to the Association. Correctness of Positions at Manzanares, Spain.
Papers communicated to the Association. Dark Eclipses.
Papers communicated to the Association. Dark Spot in Jupiter's South Temperate region, 1901.
Papers communicated to the Association. Dark Spot in Jupiter's South Temperate Region.
Papers communicated to the Association. Diplopia and Egg-shaped Jovian Satellites.
Papers communicated to the Association. Distribution of Double Stars in Space.
Papers communicated to the Association. Distribution of Double Stars in Space.
Papers communicated to the Association. Dorfel and the Great Comet of 1680.
Papers communicated to the Association. Early Visibility of New Moon.
Papers communicated to the Association. Eclipse Suggestions.
Papers communicated to the Association. Eclipses of the Mid-day Moon.
Papers communicated to the Association. Eclipses of the Midnight Sun.