Papers communicated to the Association. A Note on Temporary Stars.
Papers communicated to the Association. A Simple Jovian Orrery.
Papers communicated to the Association. A Simple Method of Limiting Apertures.
Papers communicated to the Association. A Supposed Astronomical Epoch.
Papers communicated to the Association. A Visit to Stonyhurst.
Papers communicated to the Association. A Year among Double Stars.
Papers communicated to the Association. Aërolites or Meteorites.
Papers communicated to the Association. Aërolites.
Papers communicated to the Association. An Astronomical Folk-Lore Department.
Papers Communicated to the Association. An Attempt to counterfeit Lunar Formations.
Papers communicated to the Association. An Examination of the Modern Views as to the Real Nature of Markings on Mars.
Papers communicated to the Association. An Instrument for Measuring the Brightness of the Sky.
Papers communicated to the Association. An Occultation Phenomenon.
Papers communicated to the Association. Ancient Observations in the Almagest.
Papers communicated to the Association. Annular Eclipse of the Sun, 1901 November 11.
Papers communicated to the Association. Annular Eclipse of the Sun, 1901 November 11.
Papers communicated to the Association. Apparent Thinning-out of the Stars.
Papers communicated to the Association. Apparent Thinning-out of the Stars.
Papers communicated to the Association. Apparent Thinning-out of the Stars.
Papers communicated to the Association. Apparent Thinning-out of the Stars.