M-Dwarf Multiplicity Rate in the Solar Vicinity
M-Dwarfs: Molecules and Magnetic Fields
M-R-L Relation and Contraction Time Scale for Convective Stars of Low Mass.
m-state Interference with Partial Frequency Redistribution for Polarized Line Formation in Arbitrary Magnetic Fields
M-type Dwarfs and the Missing Mass
M-Type Dwarfs observed at Mount Wilson
M-Type Stars as Hosts for Habitable Planets
M. -G. -P. Minnaert
M. A. Ellison (1909 - 1963)
M. Alliaume
M. B. Baillaud telegraphie le 31 Octobre:
M. Charles Trepied
M. Comas SOLA annonce...
M. Comas SOLA ecrit le 18 avril:
M. Davidson, 1880 April 6 - 1968 June 25.
M. Delaunay's Memoir on the Secular Acceleration of the Mean Motion of the Moon
M. Em. Beuckeleers-Donche
M. Foucault's Apparatus for producing Uniform Motion
M. G. J. Minnaert, 1893 February 12 - 1970 October 26.
M. G. Pereira de Barros, 1908 - 1971 January 31.