Konvektion in Sternatmosphären. III
Koordinaten der Sternwarte des Photochemischen Laboratoriums der Kgl.Techn. Hochschule Berlin
Koordinaty Novoj 618.1936 Orla (Position of Nova 618. 1936)
Koordinaty Novoj 619.1936 Strel'ca (Position of Nova 619.1936 Sagittarii)
Koordinaty Novoj 668.1936 Orla (Coordinates of Nova 668.1936 Aquilae)
Kopenhagener Meridianbeobachtung des Henry'schen Cometen. Von Herrn F. Dreyer
Kopffscher Komet
Kopffscher Komet
Kopylov Ivan Mikheevich (October 14, 1928 July 29, 2000)
Korea's Cherished Astronomical Chart
Korean Astronomical Data Center Prototype Release
Korean Geodetic VLBI Project
Korean Mars Mission Design Using KSLV-III
Korean Records of Sporadic Meteors in 18th Century
Korean, NEO station in South Africa
Korean-Japanese Planet Search Program: A Jovian-Mass Planet to the Intermediate-Mass Clump Giant Star
Korff, Serge Alexander (1906-89)
Korolyov [Koroljow], Sergej [Sergey, Sergei] Pavlovich [Pawlowitsch] (1907-66)
Koronis family: Reflectance spectra of 243 Ida, 1442 Corvina and 2226 Cunitza
Korr. von Planetenephemeriden