IUE-ULDA access guide no. 3: International Ultraviolet Explorer-Uniform Low Dispersion Archive: Normal galaxies
IUE-ULDA access guide no. 4A: International Ultraviolet Explorer-Uniform Low Dispersion Archive active galactic nuclei, volume A
IUE-ULDA access guide no. 4B: International Ultraviolet Explorer-Uniform Low Dispersion Archive active galactic nuclei, volume B
IUE-ULDA Access Guide No. 8: T Tauri stars.
IUE/IRAS Studies of Metal Abundances and Infrared Cirrus
IUE/IRAS studies of metal abundances and infrared cirrus
IUE/Voyager observations of luminous accretion disk systems
IUE: Quiet History-Maker. (French Title: IUE: Tranquille faiseur d'histoire)
IUE: Sepia Tints. (French Title: IUE: Reflets sepia)
IUEAGN: A Database of Ultraviolet Spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei
IUEAGN: A database of ultraviolet spectra of active galactic nuclei
IUEDAC. The International Ultraviolet Explorer Data Analysis Center.
IUS application to NASA planetary missions
IV -- Sternbedeckungen durch den Mond
IV Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes
IV. 1889 (Davidson), observed at Orwell Park Observatory
IV. 1891 (Barnard), observed at the Sydney Observatory
IV. Planeten-Positionen im Jahre 1867
Ivan Hafner, Original Amateur Astronomer. (Slovenian Title: Ivan Hafner, svojevrsten ljubitelj astronomije)
Ivan Naumovich Yazev (for the 100th birth anniversary).