Dynamics of Two Planets in the 2/1 Mean-Motion Resonance
Dynamics of two planets in the 2:1 and 3:2 mean motion resonances
Dynamics of Two Planets in the 3/2 Mean-motion Resonance: Application to the Planetary System of the Pulsar PSR B1257+12
Dynamics of two satellites in the 2/1 Mean Motion resonance: application to the case of Enceladus and Dione
Dynamics of Two Spring-Connected Masses in Orbit
Dynamics of variable masses
Dynamics of Venus Upper Atmosphere from Infrared Heterodyne Spectroscopy of CO2
Dynamics of Vertical Threads and Descending Knots in a Hedgerow Prominence
Dynamics of Weakly Charged Dust Grains Passing Through Lorentz Resonances: Implications for Jovian Ring Topology
Dynamics of wide galaxy triplets - Numerical models and hidden mass estimates
Dynamics of wide galaxy triplets: Numerical models and hidden mass estimates
Dynamics of Wind Bubbles and Superbubbles. II. Analytic Theory
Dynamics or Intrinsic Attribute Based?
Dynamics, distribution, and amount of molecular gas in galaxies with NIR isophote twists: NGC 5728 and NGC 2273.
Dynamics, interrelations and evolution of the systems of asteroids and comets
Dynamique d'étalement d'un liquide rhéofluidifiant
Dynamique de la photosphère solaire: granulation, mésogranulation, oscillations.
Dynamique des complexes H II extragalactiques: une étrange region H II géante dans NGC 4631.
Dynamique des écoulements en milieux poreux double échelle
Dynamique des systèmes mécaniques discrets avec liaisons unilatérales parfaites