3.3-micron spectra of four IRAS sources
3.3-Millimeter Observations of the June 30, 1973 Total Solar Eclipse
3.3-mm observations of Venus in 1964
3.4 Micron Feature on the Shoulder of Ice-Band Absorptions in Three Luminous Young Stellar Objects: IRAS 18511+0146, IRAS 21413+5442, and IRAS 04579+4703
3.4- and 1.4-mm Observations of the Lunar Eclipse on 18 October 1967
3.5 keV X-ray Emission in Absence of Flares
3.5 MM depression features associated with H-alpha 'disparitions brusques'
3.5 THz Surface Emitting Distributed Feedback QCL Operated at 70 K as Local Oscillator
3.5m mirror project at NOAO
3.6 m Telescope Receives First Visiting Astronomers
3.6 m triplet adapter: tests on the telescope.
3.6 Years of DIRBE Near-infrared Stellar Light Curves
3.6-m Telescope Cassegrain Adapter on La Silla
3.7 and 11.1 centimeter observations of the radio galaxy 3C 386
3/HE in the Solar Flares
30 DOR B - A supernova remnant in a star formation region
30 Dorados & the Sinusoidal Potential
30 Doradus - Ultraviolet and optical stellar photometry
30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud: The Stellar Content and Initial Mass Function
30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud: The Stellar Content and Initial Mass Function