LRSA: A new computational method for analyzing time course microarray data
LS-SVM Applied for Photometric Classification of Quasars and Stars
LSST Probes of Dark Energy: New Energy vs New Gravity
LSST Resources for the Community
LSST Science Collaborations
LSST Telescope Design Developments
LSST: from Science Drivers to Data Products
Luminosity and Detectability of Young Giant Planets
Luminosity function of E and S0 galaxies
Luminosity function of Seyfert galaxies
Luminosity functions for nine Abell clusters
Luminosity functions from emission line selected samples
Luminosity profiles and the evolution of shock waves in general relativistic radiating spheres
Luminosity profiles and the evolution of shock waves in general-relativistic radiating spheres
Luminosity segregation as an indication of dynamical evolution in rich clusters of galaxies
Luminosity-line-width relations and the extragalactic distance scale. 2: A comparison with Types IA and II supernovae
LUNA: A Transit Algorithm for Exomoons
Lunar 'cataclysm' - A misconception
Lunar activity from recent gas release
Lunar and solar barometric tides at Rarotonga, Cook Islands