Low-background performance of a monolithic InSb CCD array
Low-cost 256 X 256 PtSi infrared array for astronomical applications
Low-cost attitude determination system and imager with embedded compression
Low-cost CCD cameras for amateur astronomy
Low-cost deformable mirrors: technologies and goals
Low-cost densification of permanent GPS networks for natural hazard mitigation: First tests on GSI's GEONET network
Low-cost high-resolution computed tomography
Low-cost M2-sensor for the adaptive optical system
Low-cost PbSalt FPAs
Low-cost space platforms for detection and tracking technologies
Low-cost trigger circuit for sampling oscilloscope
Low-cost, high-resolution telescopes for imaging low-earth orbit satellites
Low-cost, high-resolution x-ray detector system for digital radiography and computed tomography
Low-dimensional chaos in a hydrodynamic system
Low-energy electron-atom bremsstrahlung
Low-energy fine-structure resonances in photoionization of O ii
Low-Latency Detection of Gravitational Waves
Low-Latitude Noctilucent Cloud of 15 June 1963
Low-level infrared radiometer comparison measurements
Low-Light-Level and Real-Time Imaging Systems, Components, and Applications