Dynamical friction due to cosmological background. II Newtonian cosmology
Dynamical friction in a non-rotating triaxial galaxy - The effect on box orbits
Dynamical friction in binary systems
Dynamical friction, secondary infall, and the evolution of clusters of galaxies
Dynamical generation of baryons at the electroweak transition
Dynamical injection of Mars-sized planetoids into the asteroidal belt from the terrestrial planetary accretion zone
Dynamical instabilities in axisymmetric stellar systems. I - Oblate E6 models
Dynamical instabilities in spherical stellar systems
Dynamical instabilities in two-phase media and the minimum masses of stellar systems
Dynamical instability as the cause of the massive outbursts in Eta Carinae and other luminous blue variables
Dynamical Instability for Radiating Anisotropic Collapse
Dynamical Lagrangian Remeshing (DLR): A new algorithm for solving large strain deformation problems and its application to fault-propagation folding
Dynamical Lifetimes of Mars Trojans
Dynamical limits on dark mass in the outer solar system
Dynamical mass modelling of the Galaxy
Dynamical mass transfer in cataclysmic binaries
Dynamical masses for Galactic globular clusters
Dynamical model of the magnetic field of neutron stars
Dynamical Modeling of Interacting Galaxies: Observations Confront Theory
Dynamical modeling of long-period variable star atmospheres