S-Component Sources at 21 cm Wavelength in the Rising Phase of Cycle 23
S-Coronae and U-Coronae
S-curve networks and an approximate method for estimating degree distributions of complex networks
S-cycling and sulfurization processes at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
s-d Electronic interactions induced H2 dissociation on the γ-U(100) surface and influences of niobium doping
S-D mixing and $ψ(3770)$ production in $e^+e^-$ annihilation and B decay and its radiative transitions
S-D Mixing and Searching for the psi(1P1) State at the Beijing Electron-Positron Coolider
S-Dual Gaugino Condensation and Supersymmetry Breaking
S-Dual Gravity in the Axial Gauge
S-duality Action on Discrete T-duality Invariants
S-duality and 2d Topological QFT
S-duality and a large N phase transition in N=4 SYM on K3 at strong coupling
S-Duality and Brane Descent Relations
S-duality and Canonical Transformations in String Theory
S-duality and Compactification of type IIB Superstring Action
S-Duality and Cosmological Constant in String Theory
S-Duality and Exact Type IIB Superstring Backgrounds
S-Duality and Global Symmetries in N=2 Supersymmetric Field Theory
S-Duality and Noncommutative Gauge Theory
S-duality and Strong Coupling Behavior of Large N Gauge Theories with N=4 Supersymmetry