S-Band-X-Band Directional Coupler
S-Band/X-Band Doppler Two-Way Nonlinear Jitter Analysis Using Simplified Series-Expansion Techniques
S-bases as a tool to solve reduction problems for Feynman integrals
S-brane Actions
S-brane solutions in gauged and ungauged supergravities
S-brane Solutions in Supergravity Theories
S-brane solutions with (anti-)self-dual parallel charge density form on a Ricci-flat submanifold
S-Brane Solutions with Acceleration in Models with Forms and Multiple Exponential Potentials
S-Brane Thermodynamics
S-brane to thermal non-singular string cosmology
S-branes and (Anti-)Bubbles in (A)dS Space
S-branes from unbalanced black diholes
S-Branes, Negative Tension Branes and Cosmology
S-Bursts and the Jupiter Ionospheric Resonator
S-Cam 2: performance and initial astronomical results
S-Cam 3: Optical astronomy with a STJ-based imaging spectrophotometer
s-Cepheid velocity curves (Kienzle+, 1999)
s-Channel Production of MSSM Higgs Bosons at a Muon Collider with Explicit CP Violation
S-Class Asteroid Spectral Trends with Size and Dynamical Population
S-component model computations applied to mean mm-wave measurements