Systematics of the Quadrupole-Quadrupole Interaction and Convergence Properties
Systematics of the Relationship between Vacuum Energy Calculations and Heat Kernel Coefficients
Systematics of the Release of Residual Nuclei from Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Interactions
Systematics of the release of residual nuclei from relativistic nucleus-nucleus interactions
Systematics of the temperature-dependent inter-plane resistivity in Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$T$_x$)$_2$As$_2$ with T= Rh, Ni, and Pd
Systematics of thermodynamic data on solids: Thermochemical and pressure-volume-temperature properties of some minerals
Systematics of threshold incident energy for deep sub-barrier fusion hindrance
Systematics of Ti Isotopes in Carbonaceous Chondrite Bulk Samples
Systematics of two-component superconductivity in $YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6.95}$ from microwave measurements of high quality single crystals
Systematics of Vestoid Reflectance Spectra by 600- and 650-nm Bands
Systematics of Xe Isotopes in a Two-layer Earth with Mass Transport
Systematics of xenocrystic contamination: preservation of discrete feldspar populations at McCullough Pass Caldera revealed by 40Ar/39Ar dating
Systematics on the stability constants of REE-humic complexes at various metal loading levels
Systematics on Thorium in Lunar Basalts
Systematization of Basic Divergent Integrals in Perturbation Theory and Renormalization Group Functions
Systematization of Equilibrium and Unstable Bloch Domain Walls in Plates of Cubic Ferromagnetic Crystals
Systematization of tensor mesons and the determination of the $2^{++}$ glueball
Systemic risk in a network fragility model analyzed with probability density evolution of persistent random walks
Systems analysis and design of a lunar solar power plant for the supply of a lunar base
Systems Analysis for DSN Microwave Antenna Holography