Ryle SZ
Rypdal and Rypdal Reply:
RYTSI: A New Way to do Speckle Imaging
RZ Cephei - Period Variation
RZ Dra (Kreiner+ 1994)
RZ Eri - Times of Minima for V523 Sgr and V526 Sgr
RZ Eridani Needs Your Help
RZ Ophiuchi. Visuelle Beobachtungen 1978 - 1982.
RZ Scuti -- A Peculiar Spectroscopic Binary
RZ Tau UBVR photometry (Djurasevic+ 1999)
RZ Vulpeculae
RZJHK photometry for stellar sources in Serpens (Spezzi+, 2010)
R^2 Corrections and Non-perturbative Dualities of N=4 String ground states
R^2 Corrections for 5D Black Holes and Rings
R^2 Corrections to Asymptotically Lifshitz Spacetimes
R^4 corrections to conifolds and G_2 holonomy metrics
R^4 Corrections to D1D5p Black Hole Entropy from Entropy Function Formalism
R^4 Corrections to Eleven Dimensional Supergravity via Supersymmetry
R^4 Corrections to Heterotic M-theory
R^4 counterterm and E7(7) symmetry in maximal supergravity