Rydberg cross sections and rate coefficients in H-H collisions
Rydberg crystallization detection by statistical means
Rydberg excitation of a Bose-Einstein condensate
Rydberg excitation of Bose-Einstein condensates
Rydberg excitation of trapped cold ions: A detailed case study
Rydberg Matter as the dust atmosphere in comets: Spectroscopic and polarization signatures
Rydberg rings
Rydberg Spectroscopy in an Optical Lattice: Blackbody Thermometry for Atomic Clocks
Rydberg state mediated quantum gates and entanglement of pairs of neutral atoms
Rydberg states and momentum bifurcation in tunnel ionization with elliptically polarized light
Rydberg states of helium: Relativistic and second-order corrections
Rydberg States of Xenon Collision Dimers in the VUV Energy Region
Rydberg transition frequencies from the Local Density Approximation
Rydberg trimers and excited dimers bound by internal quantum reflection
Rydberg Wave Packets are Squeezed States
Rydberg wavepackets in terms of hidden-variables: de Broglie-Bohm trajectories
Rydberg-atom cavity detector for dark matter axion search in Kyoto
Rydberg-atom trajectories in a ponderomotive optical lattice
Rydberg-induced Solitons: Three-dimensional Self-trapping of Matter Waves
Rydberg-Rydberg interaction profile from the excitation dynamics of ultracold atoms in lattices