Lyapunov Functionals for the Enskog Equation
Lyapunov Generation of Entanglement and the Correspondence Principle
Lyapunov instability and finite size effects in a system with long-range forces
Lyapunov instability of fluids composed of rigid diatomic molecules
Lyapunov instability of one-dimensional Morse system
Lyapunov instability of rigid diatomic molecules in three dimensions - a simpler method
Lyapunov partition functions for the dimensions of chaotic sets
Lyapunov Potential Description for Laser Dynamics
Lyapunov spectra in fast dynamo Ricci flows of negative sectional curvature
Lyapunov Spectra in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory
Lyapunov spectra instability of chaotic dynamo Ricci flows in twisted magnetic flux tubes
Lyapunov spectral analysis of a nonequilibrium Ising-like transition
Lyapunov stability of flowing MHD plasmas surrounded by resistive walls
Lyapunov stability of motion in Ernst space-time
Lyapunov stability of Vlasov Equilibria using Fourier-Hermite modes
Lyapunov stabilitycriteria for zonal adaptive-optics systems
Lyapunov statistics and mixing rates for intermittent systems
Lyapunov times of the inner asteroids.
Lyapunov vs. Geometrical Stability Analysis of the Kepler and the Restricted Three Body Problem
Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relationship in linear magnetoelectrics