Hysteretic giant magnetoimpedance effect analyzed by first-order reversal curves
Hysteretic jumps in the response of layered superconductors to electromagnetic fields
Hysteretic magnetic pinning and reversible resistance switching in High-Tc superconductor/ferromagnet multilayers
Hysteretic magnetoresistance and thermal bistability in a magnetic two-dimensional hole system
Hysteretic magnetoresistance in polymeric diodes
Hysteretic magnetotransport in p-type AlGaAs heterostructures with In/Zn/Au ohmic contacts
Hysteretic memory effects in disordered magnets
Hysteretic Optimization
Hysteretic Optimization For Spin Glasses
Hysteretic optimization for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass
Hysteretic phenomena in many-body physics
Hysteretic properties of a magnetic particle with strong surface anisotropy
Hysteretic resistance spikes in quantum Hall ferromagnets without domains
Hysteretic Response of an Anti-Ferromagnetic Random-Field Ising Model in One Dimension at Zero Temperature
Hysteretic response of electron-nuclear spin system in single InAlAs quantum dots:Excitation power and polarization dependences
Hysteretic transition from laminar to vortex shedding flow in soap films
Hystersis like behaviour in Thin Films with heating-cooling cycle
HZ 43 as a visual binary
HZ Herculis-No optical variations corresponding to the 1.2 s X-ray pulsation period