Observations of magnetic reconnection at the lobe magnetopause
Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in Space
Observations of nonadiabatic acceleration of ions in Earth's magnetotail
Observations of Record-Low Thermospheric Densities During the Current Solar Minimum (Invited)
Observations of relativistic electron microbursts in association with VLF chorus
Observations of resistive MHD activity in CDX-U spherical torus
Observations of slow-mode shocks in Earth's distant magnetotail with the Geotail spacecraft
Observations of the Effect of Er-Hydride Targets on the Conversion Efficiency to Laser Accelerated Protons
Observations of the electric field fine structure associated with the westward traveling surge and large-scale auroral spirals
Observations of the ion signatures of double merging and the formation of newly closed field lines
Observations of the Van Allen Radiation Belt, Solar Wind and Corotating Interaction Regions during Solar Minimum
Observations of three-dimensional Langmuir wave structure
Observations of triboelectric charging effects on Langmuir-type probes in dusty plasma
Observations of whistler-mode chorus in a large range of radial distances
Observed barium emission rates
Observed Properties of the Solar Wind
Observing planets and small bodies in sputtered high-energy atom fluxes
Occurrence of current layers when a magnetic field is deformed in a perfectly conducting medium
Occurrence of reconnection jets at the dayside magnetopause: Double Star observations
Off-equatorial chorus occurrence and wave amplitude distributions as observed by the Polar Plasma Wave Instrument