Observations of centrifugal acceleration during compression of magnetosphere
Observations of cometary plasma wave phenomena
Observations of Compressible MHD Turbulence in the Solar Wind
Observations of coronal magnetic field strengths and flux tubes and their stability
Observations of double discontinuities in the magnetotail
Observations of draping plasma accelerations in the magnetosheath under IMF Bz North
Observations of electron beam propagation perpendicular to the Earth's magnetic field during the TSS 1 mission
Observations of electron conics by the Viking satellite
Observations of electron distributions in magnetosheath mirror mode waves
Observations of Electron Vorticity in the Inner Plasmasheet and its Relationship to Reconnection
Observations of extended magnetic reconnection X-lines at small field shear angles (or large guide field) in the solar wind
Observations of fluxes of suprathermal electrons accelerated by HF excited instabilities
Observations of Halley's Comet by the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM)
Observations of high latitude ion outflows with the EISCAT incoherent scatter radars and the FAST spacecraft
Observations of ion and electron velocity distributions associated with slow-mode shocks in Earth's distant magnetotail
Observations of ionosphere heating in the TSS-1 subsatellite presheath
Observations of Jovian upstream events by Ulysses
Observations of Large Amplitude, Monochromatic Whistlers at Stream Interaction Regions
Observations of loss cone-shaped back streaming energetic protons upstream of the Earth's bow shock
Observations of low-frequency magnetic oscillations in the Martian magnetosheath, magnetic pileup region, and tail