Observation of proton chorus waves close to the equatorial plane by Cluster
Observation of Revered Shear Alfv'en Eigenmodes During the Sawtooth Cycle in Alcator C-Mod
Observation of self-organized criticality (SOC) behavior during edge biasing experiment on TEXTOR
Observation of stimulated electron acoustic wave scattering: the case for nonlinear kinetic effects
Observation of TAEs destabilized by energetic particles in Alcator C-Mod
Observation of the Dayside Cusp With IMAGE, Cluster, and DMSP
Observation of the ion-ion instability and its suppression mechanism in a dusty double plasma device
Observation of the molecular assisted recombination in a hydrogen plasma
Observation of the multifractal spectrum in solar wind turbulence by Ulysses at high latitudes
Observation of the terrestrial bow shock in quasi-electrostatic subshock regime
Observation of Three-dimensional Long-range Order in Smaller Ion Coulomb Crystals in an rf Trap
Observation of topside ionospheric MF/HF radio emission from space
Observation of transformation of chemical elements during electric discharge
Observation of waves near lower hybrid frequency in the reconnection region with thin current sheet
Observational arguments for a local dynamo
Observational Evidence of Modified Two Stream Instability Driven Waves at an Interplanetary Shock
Observational evidence of new current sheets trailing coronal mass ejections
Observational evidence of the generation mechanism for rising-tone chorus
Observational Signatures of Ion Acceleration Near CME-Driven Interplanetary Shocks
Observational Signatures of Thermal and Suprathermal Ion Acceleration at CME-Driven Interplanetary Shocks