Optical properties and one-particle spectral function in non-ideal plasmas
Optical remote sensing of the thermosphere with HF pumped artificial airglow
Optical Spectra of the High Voltage Erosive Water Discharge
Optimization of the neural-network geomagnetic model for forecasting large-amplitude substorm events
Optimized Polar-Direct-Drive Experiments on OMEGA
Optimizing the ionization and energy absorption of laser-irradiated clusters
Orbit-averaged Guiding-center Fokker-Planck Operator
Order and chaos in nonlinear wave interactions in astrophysical and space plasmas
Orientation and motion of a discontinuity from Cluster curlometer capability: Minimum variance of current density
Orientation and motion of a discontinuity from single-spacecraft measurements of plasma velocity and density: Minimum mass flux residue
Orientation and motion of two-dimensional structures in a space plasma
Orientation, location, and velocity of Saturn's bow shock: Initial results from the Cassini spacecraft
Origin and Evolution of 'Sprites': Cause and Mechanism
Origin of backstreaming electrons within the quasi-perpendicular foreshock region: Two-dimensional self-consistent PIC simulation
Origin of Filamentary Structures and Flows in Quiescent Prominences
Origin of the large-scale structure of the Universe
Origin of the Solar Wind
Origin of ultraviolet emission source in the Jovian ionosphere at the feet of the Io flux tube
Origins of plasmaspheric hiss
Oscillating Ponomarenko dynamo in the highly conducting limit