On the x-ray luminescence of phosphor screens under fluoroscopy conditions
On the ``inward'' component of the Alfvénic turbulence in the solar wind
On vertical spinning Alfvén waves in a magnetic flux tube.
On viscous attenuation of Alfvenic fluctuations in the solar wind
On Vlasov approach to tokamaks near magnetic axis
On VLF wave scattering in plasma with density irregularities
On wave generation by perpendicular currents
On why the supernova remnant RX J 1713.7-3946 can be a proton cosmic ray accelerator
On-axis Hohlraum Radiography associated with N-Waves in Stellar Atmospheres.
One and Two Dimensional Simulations of Whistler Chorus in Dipole Geometry
One- and two-dimensional simulations of whistler mode waves in an anisotropic plasma
One-dimensional hybrid simulations of obliquely propagating ion cyclotron waves: Application to ion pickup at Io
One-dimensional hybrid simulations of planetary ion pickup: Effects of variable plasma and pickup conditions
One-dimensional hybrid simulations of planetary ion pickup: Techniques and verification
One-dimensional motion of collisionless particles in gasdynamic approximation
One-dimensional particle simulation of the filamentation instability: electrostatic field driven by the magnetic pressure gradient force
One-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamic scaling studies of imploding spherical plasma liners
One-dimensional steady-state structures at relativistic interaction of laser radiation with overdense plasma for finite electron temperature
One-dimensional vertical dust strings in a glass box
One-dimenssional electromagnetic simulation of multiple electron beams propagating in space plasmas